Band Concert
On Monday we had our first band concert and it was great. If you weren’t there you seiriously missed out on something great. See Ya! Tom
On Monday we had our first band concert and it was great. If you weren’t there you seiriously missed out on something great. See Ya! Tom
Today I just wrote a poem and here it is.
The Bat That Caused It All
It lays there small and frightened gently by
the cat. Then all I can be doing
is running, screaming,
and maybe even crying.
“Get it out, get it out!�
and then it’s gone. A
week with nothing more
and then I fall upon the floor.
Groaning, moaning, and still
not knowing, I get up.
Next I see rain and hail
through the windshield pale.
Then I see a building bright
like a light in this ever going gale.
As I walk through the door I will
eventually wail “ No more!�.
After a wait a man with a hat says
“ He might have been bitten by that bat.�
and then, more wails. Then I see, with
my eyes, the needles going into my thighs.
Like knifes they came the treatment for other
lives. “ No more, this is amiss!�
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