Sub-Evil Boy’s frantic scrabblings


X-Men 3

Filed under: — Sub-Evil Boy @ 9:24 pm

Apperantly, PZ and Weather girl id not appreciate this movie as much as I did. If your complainin’ about stupid villians, where have you been the last decade. That’s the only reason the good guys survive. Bad guy bullets and bad guy stupidity. If you’r complainin’ about the story and how it was just a special effects bonza, well what do you expect from a movie where people can contol the weather and lift the golden gate bridge. In fact, If superman Returns isn’t a special effects bonza, i will post a cencear apoligy to alll those I offenced. Also, make sure you wait till the credits are over. There’s something very cool after wardas
So, in the end, this movie gets a 4.5 outa 5( what did you expect, a 5 out of 5?) and the omen TRAILER gets a 100 outa 5 on the creepy scale. Woot!


Mission Impossible 3

Filed under: — Sub-Evil Boy @ 6:48 am

Yawn. Soooo boring, except for the first part in Berlin, that was fun for one reason. TURRET GUNS!!!! That was cool, but the rest seemed a bit too much like Saw with all the blood and stuff. I liked Tom Cruise’s help team, they were cool. In the end though, it wasn’t all that good. Probobly the best thing about it was the trailer for Pirates of the carribean 2. SOOOO AWSOME!!!!! Also, on friday, our theatere gets x-men 3 and i’m hopfully going to it on friday. Woot!

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