Sub-Evil Boy’s frantic scrabblings


Red vs Blue

Filed under: — Sub-Evil Boy @ 1:30 pm

Recently I’ve been searching the web for random cartoons to fill the giant gaps of tedious boredom, and I have come across a series called, Red vs Blue, which is based in the Halo world, and involves two armies (guess what they’re called?!) who are about as smart as penuts fighting for contol of two bases on either end of a box canyon. This stuff is abosolutley hillarious! Sadly, I cannot remember the exact name for the website, but just search google for red vs blue and I’m sure u’ll be able to find it, well, here’s your new murphy quote.

“The person who yells the loudest always gets the floor.”
Murphy’s Laws


Murphy’s Illusionist

Filed under: — Sub-Evil Boy @ 2:46 pm

I have done 2 things recently, 1. I have seen the illusionist, and 2. I have read the book, “Murphy’s Law“. Both of these things are great and hve inspired me to do things. The Illusionist is a movie about Eisiemhiem the Illusionist, who does some really spectatular things, and winds up in the middle of the murder of his childhood lover, who is also engaged to a prince. It gets, a 5 out of 5 Murphy’s Law is a book of little facts about life that are baised about one main fact, “If anything can go wrong, It will”. I have decided to give you a quote from this book every week, ’til the end of the book. So, here’s the first one, and the book gets a 5 out of 5.

“Nothing is as easy as it looks”.
Murphy’s Law Corollaries #1
Murphy’s Law by Arthur Bloch
Copyright 1977, ISBN: 0-8431-0428-7

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