Murphy’s Illusionist
I have done 2 things recently, 1. I have seen the illusionist, and 2. I have read the book, “Murphy’s Law“. Both of these things are great and hve inspired me to do things. The Illusionist is a movie about Eisiemhiem the Illusionist, who does some really spectatular things, and winds up in the middle of the murder of his childhood lover, who is also engaged to a prince. It gets, a 5 out of 5 Murphy’s Law is a book of little facts about life that are baised about one main fact, “If anything can go wrong, It will”. I have decided to give you a quote from this book every week, ’til the end of the book. So, here’s the first one, and the book gets a 5 out of 5.
“Nothing is as easy as it looks”.
Murphy’s Law Corollaries #1
Murphy’s Law by Arthur Bloch
Copyright 1977, ISBN: 0-8431-0428-7